Daniel Vaughn, Texas Monthly’s BBQ editor, @BBQsnob


Many people who I meet think sports writers have the coolest job in the world, and while it’s hard to disagree at times, I think I’ve found a job that’s even more fanastic. Meet Daniel Vaughn, the BBQ editor for Texas Monthly magazine. As far as we know, he’s the only BBQ editor in the country, and yes, he gets to eat a half-ton of BBQ and then write about it. In our chat, we explore the ideas that he forever might have ruined his palate for mediocre BBQ, why you should be the first enchilada expert rather than the next BBQ expert, and if this massive interest in BBQ — call it a BBQ bubble — will decline at some point.

Plus, we talk about his journalistic ethics in a field where it’d be real easy to eat a ton-and-a-half of free meals, and how Vaughn stays healthy despite eating so much smoked meat.

Interviewed on 5-28-14

(Photo via bookpeople.com)

Here’s something similar:

In Episode 9, we talked to my favorite Australian BBQ writer, Jess Pryles. My first live #MTTS interview and one of my favorites. You can listen to that here.

2 responses to “Daniel Vaughn, Texas Monthly’s BBQ editor, @BBQsnob

  1. Pingback: BBQ News: 05/30 – 06/05 : TMBBQ

  2. when you get a chance try Ziggy’s BBQ in Brackettville on Hwy 90 west goat every monday, The best tutkey brest, and grilled steaks on friday after 5:30 call ahead for the steak

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